Sottotitolo: A La Palma tutto è pronto per la gara del secolo. Guarda la video intervista a Giuliano Cavallo...
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Eccovi le ultime anticipazioni sulla prima prova dell'Ultra SkyMarathon® Series 2012...
La “gara del secolo”. Da addetti ai lavori e semplici appassionati viene definite così la prima tappa del Ultra SkyMarathon® Series 2012. Il motive? Subito spiegato visti i 500 runner da 22 nazioni che qui si sono dati appuntamento per dare “il là” a una stagione che si preannuncia scoppiettante. Il tracciato della Transvulcania di quelli super tosti con oltre 80km di sviluppo e una starting list è a dir poco stellare.
Leggendo la lista partenti balza agli occhi il nome della stella del Team Salomon Kilian Jornet che, riposti sci e scarponi nell’armadio, è già pronto a confrontarsi con i vari Iker Karera, vincitore dell’ultima edizione al fianco di Miguel Heras. Menzione d’obbligo anche per il britannico Andy Symonds, tra I candidate per un posto sul podio al fianco del francese Sebastien Chaigneau.
Come dimenticare poi gli americani Mike Wolfe, Goeff Roes e Dakota Jones. Nel loro gruppo ottime chance di fare bene le hanno anche Joe Grant e Ian Sharman. E poi ancora Anton Krupicka’s e Rickey Gates’ che vanno a rimpolpare una già nutrita schiera di nomi eccellenti.
Ruolo di outsider per i vari François D’Haëne, Thomas Lorblanchet, Yann Curien.; Csaba Németh, Florent Troillet, Gustavo Reyes, Philipp Reiter e il nostro Giuliano Cavallo.
Al femminile la favorita d’obbligo è la neozelandese Anna Frost che nell’ultimo mese ha avuto modo di provare più volte il tracciato gara e ne conosce quindi ogni minimo segreto. Non dimentichiamo però Maud Gobert, Corinne Favre, Darcy Africa, Nikki Kimball, Kasia Zajac, Monica Aguilera.
MARCHI PARTNER DEL CIRCUITO: Adidas, Arc’teryx, Asics, Montrail, New Balance, Pearl Izumi, Platinum Sigvaris, Salomon, The North Face.
The entry list reads like a who’s who of ultra running, with top European and American legends among the favourites. Hotly tipped are Spain’s Iker Karera, (last year’s winner with Miguel Heras) and superstar Kilian Jornet, straight out of a winning ski-mountaineering season and looking stronger than ever. Britain’s Andy Symonds is looking good for the podium and so is Frenchman Sebastien Chaigneau, after winning the Transgrancaria earlier this year.
The strong American contingent is headed by Mike Wolfe, Goeff Roes and Dakota Jones. British “ex pats” living in the US are Joe Grant and Ian Sharman, each offering different qualities: Grant with a mountain background and Sharman blessed with speed….Anton Krupicka’s insistent shin problem and Rickey Gates’ hamstring injury will probably mean they won’t be in racing shape.
The women’s outright favourite is New Zealand’s Anna “Frosty” Frost, who has been on the island training for weeks and is in good shape. Look out too for IAU Trail World Champion Maud Gobert and Corinne Favre, past Skyrunning World Champion, both from France; Americans Darcy Africa, 2011 Hard-Rock 100; Nikki Kimball, 3rd 2011Western States 100 and 2007 TNF Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc®; Kasia Zajac from Poland, Zugspitz Super Trail 2011. Spain’s Monica Aguilera last year’s winner, will be competing again in this super strong women’s field. Her time last year: 10h0’. The men’s time to beat 7h32’ by Miguel Heras.
The mammoth line-up continues with top French runners: François D’Haëne, Thomas Lorblanchet, Yann Curien.; Csaba Németh, Hungary; Florent Troillet, Switzerland; Gustavo Reyes, Argentina; Giuliano Cavallo, Italy; Philipp Reiter, Germany.
The strong international team participation includes major industry players:
Adidas, Arc’teryx, Asics, Montrail, New Balance, Pearl Izumi, Platinum Sigvaris, Salomon, The North Face.
The 500 runners from 22 nations face a daunting 8,525m ascent and descent over the 83 km course which starts at sea level on the Atlantic coast and travels along the island’s backbone to the summit of the volcano at 2,423m before descending back to the sea and finishing in the town of Los Llanos where the streets will be lined with the applause of thousands of spectators.
From sea to sky, the Transvulcania Ultra Marathon perfectly embodies the skyrunning philosophy and unquestionably represents one of the most spectacular of the 20 races on the 2012 Skyrunner® World Series.
More info on
USA: Speedgoat 50K, Snowbird, Utah – July 28
ITALY: Trofeo Kima UltraSkyMarathon®, Valmasino, Sondrio – August 26
SPAIN: Cavalls del Vent, Cadi-Moixeró Natural Park, Pyrenees – September 29
FRANCE: La Course des Templiers, Millau, Grands Causses - October 28
Ultra SkyMarathon®Series champion titles are awarded to competitors with the highest points based on the sum of the three best results.
Ranking points in the final races will be increased by 20%.
Ranking points breakdown: 100-88-78-72-68-66-64-62-60-58-56-54-52-50-48-46-44-42-40.